Sewol Ferry Disaster

 Sewol Ferry Disaster ;

Before writing this , this is a real accident that happened on 16th April 2014

The ferry was on the route from Incheon towards Jeju in South Korea , out of 476 passengers and crew , 304 died including around 250 students from Danwon High School .
The truth:
On 08 : 52 a.m. there was a call between a passenger and 119 operator :
119 operator : 119 situation room
Passenger : Help me .  The ship seems to be sinking .
119 operator :  A ship is sinking ?
Passenger : We are on the way to Jeju island ,and the Ferry tilted to one side .
119 operator : Hold on , is this the ship you are on or another ship next to you ?
Passenger : The ship I am on board .
119 operator : What is the location of the ship ?
Passenger : I don't know the location ?
119 operator : You don't know ? Don't you have the longitude and latitude on the GPS ? What is the name of the ship ?
Passenger : Sewol , it is Sewol .

At 9 : 35 a.m.Patrol Boat 123 arrives .
At 9:37 a.m. there is a call between Coast guard and Patrol boat 123 :
Coast Guard : Listen carefully , this is the HQ security manager . Have you arrived at the Sewol ?
Patrol Boat : Yes , we have.
Coast Guard : Do you see any passengers ? 
Patrol Boat : I don't see anyone at this moment .
Coast Guard : What ? No one is on the deck ? Is there any one who jumped in the water ?
Patrol Boat : There is no one in the water .

At 9 : 47 a.m. the captain of the Ferry was rescued .

Mother of one of the late students said : That was the moment the captain was leaving .I talked to my daughter on the phone at 9:47 a.m. , I told her to follow teacher's guidance , which is my biggest regret . After the call , I couldn't reach her .

Text message from a student : "Mom , dad the ship has tilted a lot ...miss you ."

At 10 : 00 a.m. there was a call between Ministry of Maritime and Coast Guard saying that they were not getting the video feed from vessel 278 and is there another ship that can send the video feed to them ?

Text message from the student : "It is tilting .Miss you mom and dad . It's tilting again ."

"So most of the passengers are out now ?" 
" Yes , they are . "
" So no passenger is left on the Ship ? "
"Yes , people escaped as the Ferry started tilting . We didn't search the cabins , but it seems most of them are out"
"So we can presume , that there is almost no one on the ship . "
"Yes , yes"

President Park Geun-Hye , who had remained in her bedroom for most of the morning , emerged at the end of the day . She appeared  to have little to no information of this situation .

A mother of her late daughter said : 
" You promised to save them , but you sank the ferry just like that . "

Over the next 3 months , civilian drivers worked to retrieve the bodies of the victim .
One of the civilian driver said that he was there from 17 April to 10 July and he collected about 25 to 30 bodies .
"Many things revealed their struggle to survive ."
"The students gathered in a small room to survive "

1st hearings for the Sewol Ferry Disaster \ 14 to 16 December .
One of the civilian driver during it said : " I want to question the high-ranking officials . I remember everything with acute pain . I cannot forget . But how come you , the elites of the society , claim that you don't know and you don't remember ? "

The candle protest \ from October 2016 to March 2017 .

After 5 months of protests demanding the impeachment of President Park Geun - Hye , an investigation found her guilty of corruption , blacklisting and miss use of power .

Three years after sinking :
The parents of the victims went to see the ferry .
A mother said : " I will bring you home with your friends . I will keep my promise .

In 2 months more than 100 phones were found from the ferry .
One of the civilian driver said that after he left the scene , there was a haunting pain and is a big burden on the heart .

One of the civilian driver committed suicide after 2 years of the accident .
He said : "When we left the scene , there were small birds in the rain and wind . Those tiny birds...were flying the storm  . And their call was so touching . But it sounded like the student's wailing ,
 asking me , 
                                 Not to leave them behind .....


  1. Awful happened to these students.. My condolences 😭


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