10 Horror movies based on true stories...

 Horror Movies Based On True Stories...

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       Hello there,
So today I am going to tell you about some horror stories that are based on real-life experiences...

Now on to the blog:

  • The Exorcist:  The movie is based on the story of a 14-year-old boy named "Roland Doe", who started to show weird behavior in 1949. His family reported furniture moving on its own, scratches all over Doe's body, and loud disembodied voices. His family enlisted the help of the Catholic Church. One of the Priest (Father Raymond Bishop) kept a diary with himself. One of his entries stated that: "At midnight, the Fathers planned to give (Roland) Holy communion, but Satan would have no part of it. Even while the Institution of the Blessed Sacrament was explained, his body was badly scratched and branded. The word "Hello" was printed on his chest and thigh" 

  • The exorcism of Emily Rose: This movie is based on the story of Anneliese Michel. When she was just 17, she experienced her first episode. She was diagnosed with epilepsy and was given medication. But the meds didn't help as Michel still had seizures, and began claiming that she was having visions and hearing voices telling her that she was a sinner. By the time Michel was 23, she was treated with multiple medications ( nothing helped) and had undergone 67 exorcisms in 10 months. She stopped eating and died due to starvation in 1976. Her parents and two of her priests were found guilty for allowing her to starve.

  • The Conjuring 1: So Conjuring 1 is based on The Perrons family( Husband Roger, Wife Carolyn, and their five daughters) moved into what was known as the Old Arnold Estate in 1970. Almost immediately, the family reported paranormal activity, such as floating and moving furniture, doors opening, and closing, disembodied sounds, and even being pushed, pulled, and getting hurt by unseen spirits. Ed and Lorraine Warren found out that the property was haunted by many spirits, but there was one particular spirit called Bathsheba which was preying on them. Bathsheba, who lived on in the 1800s, had been a suspected Satanist and was charged for the violent murder of her first child. 

  • Annabelle: The Annabelle doll is a real doll that can be viewed in Ed and Lorraine Warren's Occult Museum in Monroe, Connecticut. She is said to have terrorized her owner. The story of the doll began in 1970 when the nurse received a birthday gift from her mother. She soon started to notice that the doll would change its position by itself. She then started to find creepy notes around saying: "Help Me" written on them. And, allegedly, she once found the doll leaking blood.
      The Warrens were contacted for help. They said that the doll wasn't possessed but she was being manipulated by the spirit. They cleansed the house and took the doll to their museum, which still remains.
  • The Amityville Horror: Ronald DeFao Jr. stole his father's shotgun and murdered his entire family in their home in Amityville, saying that the voices made him do it. He was later convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison. A year later, the Lutz family moved into the home and claimed to experience paranormal activities almost immediately. George claimed to frequently wake up at 3:15 a.m.(the time of the murders) and would hear gun shots. His daughter Missy also had an imaginary friend named Jodie( which was the name of DeFao's daughter, even though Missy knew nothing about the murders or about DeFao's family.

  • The girl next door: "The girl next door" is based on the girl Sylvia Likens( you can check her detailed story out on Wikipedia). The murder of Sylvia Likens is known as "The worst crime in Indiana History". Sylvia was just 16 when she was found dead in the basement of her temporary home. Gertrude Baniszewski-a mother of seven- took "care" of both Sylvia and her sister. Gertrude with the help of some of her children and few neighborhood kids had tortured the girl to death. Gertrude served 20 years in prison and was released on a parole. The rest of the children that were involved served between two to seven years.

  • Veronica: The story is about a student named Estefania Gutierrez whose death was never solved. Estefania used an Ouija Board in her school. Few months later, she died in the hospital after experiencing seizures and shadowy figures. A year later after Estefania's death, her parents called the police because they were experiencing same paranormal activities as their daughter. The police didn't believed them until the police as well heard disembodied noices. The official report called the home: "The situation of mystery and rarity.

  • The Strangers: Director Bryan Bertino said he got an inspiration from his childhood: "As a child, I lived in a house on a street in the middle of nowhere. One night, while our parents were out, somebody knocked on the front door and my little sister answered it. At the door were some people asking for somebody that didn't lived there. We later found out that these people were knocking on the doors in the area and, if no one was home, breaking into the houses."

  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: This movie is based on a real life killer Ed Gein. Gein who was obsessed with his mother: he rarely interacted with any other women besides his mother, when she died he spiraled. He is suspected to have killed several victims, but more disturbingly, took to robbing the graves of recently buried women. He used their body parts to create a "women suit" that he wore, pretending to be his mother. He also had lamps, belts and bowls made up of human body parts.


  • The Possession: James Haxton posted the real Dibbuk box on eBay with a chilling description. A Dibbuk box is a malicious or malevolent possessing spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of the dead person that escaped from Sheol (Judaism's version of Hell), according to Live Sci-Fi. James Haxton also said that he bought the box for his mother's birthday, and that she instantaneously had a stroke upon receiving it. He also claimed that the final straw inspiring him to get rid of the box was when his sister, brother and brother's wife all stayed over, and all reported having the same exact nightmare.



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