Russian Sleep Experiment

 Russian Sleep Experiment ;

    Notice: If you are sensitive to read such topics or are under 14, I would request you to not read the blog. Readers are advised.

     Hello there,
               So today's topic is about Creepypasta's famous story, "Russian Sleep Experiment". I will say that when I first read the story, I was creeped out for a week, so I thought why not I tell you about this story as well. 
   Now on to the blog...
Russian researchers in the late 1940s kept five people awake for fifteen days using an experimental gas. This was before the closed-circuit cameras, so they only had microphones and a 5-inch thick glass porthole sized windows into the chamber to monitor them. The chamber had books, cots but no bedding on it, running water, a toilet, and enough dried food enough for all 5 of them for a month.

The test subjects were political prisoners deemed enemies of the state during World War ll.
Everything was fine for the first five days, it was noted that they continued to talk about their traumatic experiences and the tone of their conversations became darker in four days.
After 5 days they stopped talking to each other and started to whisper in the microphone. 
After nine days, one of them started screaming at the top of his lungs and ran around the chamber for 3 hours straight. He continued to scream but the only thing that came out was squeaks, the researchers postulated that he had physically torn his vocal cords. They continued to whisper in the microphone until the second of the captives started screaming, the other none screaming captives tore the books apart and smeared the pages with their own feces and stuck it to the portholes of the chamber and ultimately the screaming and the whispering in the microphone also stopped.
After 3 more days passed, the researchers checked the microphones hourly to make sure if they were working properly, as there was no sound coming out from the chamber. 
On the 14th day, 
      They announced: "We are opening the chamber to test the microphones step away from the door and lie flat on the floor or you will be shot. Compliance will earn one of your immediate freedom."  
To their surprise, they heard a single phrase in a calm voice response: "We no longer want to be freed."
It was finally decided that they will open then the chamber at midnight on the fifteenth day.
The chamber was flushed of the stimulant gas and filled with fresh air and immediately the voices from the microphone started to come through, it looked like as if they were pleading to turn the gas back on. The chamber was opened and the captives started to scream again louder than before.
But the soldiers were horrified for what they saw inside.
The food rations past day 5 had not been touched. There were chunks of meat from the dead test subject's thighs and chest stuffed into the drain, blocking the drain and allowing 4 inches of half water and half-blood on the floor. All four 'surviving' test subjects also had large portions of muscle and skin torn from their body.
The abdominal organs below the ribcage of all four test subjects had been removed. While the heart, lungs, and diaphragm remained in place, the skin was pretty much ripped off from everywhere. 
Most of the Russian soldiers refused to go back into the chamber to take them out. The captives continued to scream to be left in the chamber and begged and demanded that the gas be turned back on, lest they fall asleep...
To everyone's surprise, the test subject put up a fierce fight against the soldiers, one of the soldiers died from having his throat ripped out, another was severely injured (not going in deep here because of certain reasons). Another 5 of the soldiers lost their lives. 
So after they were finally taken out, the medical researchers tried to sedate one of the captives, which was impossible. He was injected more than 10 times with the Morphine derivative and he still acted like a wild animal. The captive had bled out to point that there was more oxygen than blood in his body. Even after he continued to scream "MORE" again and again, but he became weaker and weaker until he finally went silent.
The surviving three test subjects were heavily restrained and were moved to the medical facility. 
The most injured of the three was taken to the surgical room. He fought furiously against his restraints when the anesthetic gas was bought out to put him under. It took a little more anesthetic gas than normal to put him under, and instantly his eyes closed, and his heart stopped and he died on the operating table. 
The second survivor had been the first of the group to start screaming. His vocal cords were completely destroyed so he was unable to beg or object to the surgery, therefore he reacted with shaking his head violently. He shook his head yes when someone said that they should do the surgery without the anesthetic gas and did not react at all during the surgery. One terrified nurse stated that his lips would get curled up in a smile many times whenever their eyes would meet.
After the surgery, he tried talking but couldn't so the doctor gave him a paper and pen to write it down. He wrote: "Keep cutting."
The other two test subjects were given the same surgery, both without anesthetic as well. The moment they could speak they kept asking for the stimulant gas. The researchers asked them the questions that, Why they had injured themselves? Why they had ripped out their own guts? Why they wanted the gas so much?
Their answer was: "I must stay awake."
They were put back into the chamber. The commanding officer, a former KGB agent, instead saw potential and wanted to know what would happen if they were put back on the gas. The researches strongly obligated but were overruled.
The subjects were connected to EEG monitors. It was obvious that at this moment the had a struggle being awake, one of the subjects that could talk started to hum loudly, the mute subject was straining his legs. The remaining subject was holding his head off the pillow and was blinking rapidly. His brainwaves were normal most of the time but sometimes flatlined. It looked like he was suffering from brain death, before returning to normal. His eyes slip shut as soon as his head hits the pillow. His brainwaves suddenly changed to that of a deep sleep, then flatlined for the last time as his heart stopped.
 The commander gave orders to close the seal with 2 of the subject and 3 researchers inside. One of them drew his gun towards one of the captives and shot him. He pointed his gun at the last captive and asked him: "WHAT ARE YOU" and demanded. "I must know!" 
The subject smiled.
"Have you forgotten so easily?" The subject asked. "We are you. We are the madness that lurks within you all, begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal mind. We are what you hide from in your beds at night. We are what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the nocturnal haven where we cannot tread."
The researcher paused. Then aimed at the subject's heart and fired. The EEG flatlined as the subject weekly choked out,




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