
Showing posts from August, 2020

Creepy Meanings Behind Poems

  Creepy Meanings of your favorite poems  ; Disclaimer ; This blog can probably ruin your childhood, so readers are advised.  So the first poem is ; Three blind mice :   " Three blind mice, three blind mice, See how they run, see how they run, They all ran after the farmer's wife, Who cut off their tails with a carving knife, Did you ever see such a thing in your life, As three blind mice?  " This poem is quite scary as " the farmer's wife " is actually Queen Mary or simply " Bloody Mary ". The three mice represent three noblemen who were plotting to kill Queen Mary, and instead of chopping off their tails, she burned them alive.  The next poem is :  Rock-A-Bye Baby  " Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop When the wind blows, the cradle will rock When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall And down will come baby, cradle and all. " The lyrics refer to the new heir to the throne, born to King James II of England, and actually, express the hope

Sewol Ferry Disaster

  Sewol Ferry Disaster  ; Before writing this , this is a real accident that happened on 16th April 2014 .  The ferry was on the route from Incheon towards Jeju in South Korea , out of 476 passengers and crew , 304 died including around 250 students from Danwon High School .   The truth: On 08 : 52 a.m. there was a call between a passenger and 119 operator : 119 operator : 119 situation room Passenger : Help me .  The ship seems to be sinking . 119 operator :  A ship is sinking ? Passenger : We are on the way to Jeju island ,and the Ferry tilted to one side . 119 operator : Hold on , is this the ship you are on or another ship next to you ? Passenger : The ship I am on board . 119 operator : What is the location of the ship ? Passenger : I don't know the location ? 119 operator : You don't know ? Don't you have the longitude and latitude on the GPS ? What is the name of the ship ? Passenger : Sewol , it is Sewol . At 9 : 35 a.m.Patrol Boat 123 arrives . At 9:37 a.m. ther

Panic Attack

  Panic Attack ; So, before writing this blog let me tell you this is my mother's experience and I asked her before hand if I could write about this and took her signature . So yeah I wanted to tell you that before continuing the blog . Now on to the blog ...... So you may ask what is Panic Attack ? A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers several physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause (according to Mayo Clinic ) .     Well is it life threatening ? No , it is not life threatening , but people who go through this can be scared and it can affect your daily life to an extreme amount .  How many times did it happen ( to my mom ) ? About 3 to 4 times till now .  What do you feel like when you are going through that episode ?     She said , that she feels cold , she starts to sweat and feel like she can't move , she says that she feels like her death is near and Angels came to take her soul . It feels like time has stopped , everyth


  My Trip To Murree  ; So , we went on a trip to Murree , that is why I couldn't write for many days . But it was an awesome trip . Not going to lie I always wanted to see Murree , it was on my bucket list , seeing snow is also on my bucket list but it is summer here in Pakistan ....  It was quite an unexpected trip , but we got up on 10 A.M in the morning and packed up few things we needed , and we started our journey , took some snacks with us . It was a long car ride so I will say, to take your medications before going on long car rides . Anyways , as we reached Islamabad , it started raining like cats and dogs . Sorry i can't find the photo of rain 😑 . But it was an awesome view . It was a 5-6 hour trip . I was scared that they are not gonna let us in because of corona virus but they did let us in soo..😏😏😏 . Next we had to go up the mountain , that's why I said to always take your medicines before going to such trips because you will feel extremely dizzy , nauseous